Saturday 17 October 2015

Being an assistant director

This is my first post under the tab of 'my experiences', and hopefully one of many! This year I aim to do a lot of stuff around theatre, but most importantly, things that are a little different to what I am used to. This is simply a little post introducing the fact that I will be helping to direct a play for the 'New Connections 500' competition this year. A national youth theatre competition which sees over 500 companies compete for a chance to perform at The National. Even though I have worked with the Fisher Youth Theatre Group ALOT throughout my life, this is the first time that I will be taking more of a directorial role, and i'm really excited to do so, and push myself to do things out of my comfort zone. A few months ago I wouldn't have even thought of offering my experiences and knowledge to anyone, because I didnt think I had any to give. Then I put into perspective quite how much I have learned in the last couple of years, working with the National Youth Theatre, Alevel drama, drama school auditions etc, I realised you mustn't underestimate yourself. I cant wait to be involved in this project, who knows where it will take us!    

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