Tuesday 26 January 2016

The excellent Audition Guide - Andy Johnson

This is a major recommendation! 

I tend to ramble on, so I will keep it brief with this one. This is the first post in a series called watch/read this, where I will be sharing with you anything that I have seen that I feel has really helped me in some way theatrically. It may be a film or tv show or book or play etc. In this case it is 'THE EXCELLENT AUDITION GUIDE' - By Andy Johnson.

This book does EXACTLY what it says on the tin, and where some people prefer to learn a little more practically rather than having to slog through a step by step book of the do's and don'ts, Johnson keeps it as clear, concise and abrupt as possible. With a section on each step of the audition process, including help with applications, writing personal statements, picking speeches, working on them, your appearance in the audition room, songs etc, this book is amazing in consolidating everything you need to think about. If you're in any way worried about your audition, or are feeling lost on anything to do with drama school, I URGE you to read this. Anyone with a question to ask after reading this has read it backwards or upside down or something.
P.s enjoy this picture of my toast. 

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